Empowering Content Creators

As the founder of Ruum:um, my vision is to create a platform that allows creators and consumers to easily share their opinions, knowledge, and experiences with each other in both words and pictures. My own motivation behind this idea is my insatiable hunger for experience and knowledge. I thrive on learning at every possible moment and believe in sharing this passion with others.


I believe in making the process as simple as possible so that users can focus on creating content without being distracted by complexities. I want the platform to be easy and motivating for consumers, and to achieve this, I've designed it to resemble existing content-sharing platforms.

 In order to ensure consistent quality, our platform encourages the creation and consumption of content while offering various packages to both creators and consumers. My hope is that this approach will inspire users to learn and think more critically, as they engage with the content and each other.

Ruum:um Platform is designed to be a modern network where authors and consumers can satisfy their thirst for knowledge without filters. What sets Ruum:um apart from other social networks is the integration of our Ruum:um Spaces. These spaces provide the best possible sound and video quality, and the content transmitted on the platform must come from them. We strive to make this process as simple as live streaming on platforms like YouTube.

We aim to create a seamless user experience where a single button press in the app triggers our backend system to handle everything, such as camera views, pause and advertisement slots, intros and outros, and more. This way, the platform immediately has consumable content without the need for post-production. To achieve this, we are developing a system based on machine and deep learning.

Ruum:um Spaces are an essential part of our vision. They are uniquely designed studios, equipped with professional equipment that is easy to use regardless of the user's profile. The user has access to both video and audio recording.

By combining the platform and Ruum:um Spaces, we create a larger whole than the sum of its parts. On one hand, we ensure quality content in terms of recording, and on the other hand, we provide users with a voice in a simple form.

But beyond these technological innovations, my greater goal is to cultivate a community that fosters learning, communication, and the sharing of ideas. I aspire to help others discover their desire for studying, acquire new experiences, and generate innovative ideas through active participation and collaboration on our platform.

This cohesive vision is the driving force behind Ruum:um and its mission to revolutionize content creation and consumption, all while feeding my own passion for learning, sharing, and empowering others. By creating an environment that encourages intellectual curiosity, I hope to inspire a new wave of thinkers and creators, united in their pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.


Founder of Ruum:um